Our waste and recycling update

Friday 24 June 2022

Our combined efforts are making a huge impact. Here’s an update on how we’re progressing.

Less contamination

A recent audit of our bins showed much lower levels of contamination, meaning that more of our recyclables can be used to create new products. 

We found that:

The contamination rates of purple-lid glass bins are very low at 1 to 2% for houses and 5% for apartments, units, and townhouses.
Yellow-lid recycling bins now have a contamination rate of 15%, reduced from 30%. 
Yellow-lid recycling bins are generally 80% full when collected

While there’s still room for improvement, our recycling facility can now better separate items rather than sending them to landfill.

The problem with contamination

Contamination occurs when the wrong items are placed in our bins.

For example, only glass bottles and jars can go in the purple-lid glass bin. If other glass like wine glasses or Pyrex (microwave safe glass containers) end up in the purple-lid glass bin, it won’t melt like other glass. 

This could result in a recycled bottle exploding when it is filled.

When glass is collected separately, 90% of it can be made into new products – drastically reducing the amount of waste we send to landfill. 

We’re also trialling a cardboard bin service

The cardboard bin collection trial is currently underway at some apartments, units and townhouses in Yarra. 

We’ve been collecting 8 to 10 tonnes of cardboard per month and so far, the feedback has been excellent. The blue-lid cardboard bins have had minimal contamination and are taking the load off our recycling service.

For more information on how to use your bins: What to put in your bins | Yarra City Council

Discover tips and tricks to help reduce food, clothing and plastic waste: Reducing waste | Yarra City Council 



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