Repairing over replacing

Wednesday 09 February 2022

young man at a sewing machine repairing clothes

Did you know, 60 hard rubbish collections are booked in Yarra each day? That leads to more than 2900 tonnes of hard rubbish being collected annually. That is equal to collecting 6,500 grand pianos every year.

Our team can rehome and recycle 880 tonnes of this ourselves and with the support of partner organisations. Unfortunately, this means more than 2000 tonnes of hard rubbish is still going to landfill every year.

With the amount of hard rubbish increasing, we are asking residents to consider some alternative options. One option is taking your items to a repair café where you can learn to mend and fix your items at home.

There are several sessions happening in Yarra soon. Click the links below to register:

Another option to rehome your items is by listing them for free on Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace.

Yarra Libraries will also be hosting 3 sessions throughout February to help our residents rehome and repair their items. These sessions will take place both virtually and in-person.

Click the links below to register:

Looking to clear out more items? You can find where to repair, reuse or recycle items, with Yarra’s Zero Waste Map. This includes:

Every little bit that you donate to be reused or recycled before a hard rubbish collection will help reduce what is sent to landfill.

If you have recently had a hard rubbish pickup, we want to hear from you. Please fill out this quick survey to tell us more about your experience

Complete the survey


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