Community infrastructure planning

Yarra’s population is growing and the needs and preferences for our services are changing. 

Flexible, well-located and maintained community infrastructure is a priority for Council. 

Council defines community infrastructure as the places, spaces, physical assets, services, programs and activities that are accessed by the community for active citizenship, social interaction, recreation and physical activity. 

Our vision for community infrastructure planning

'To identify current and future needs so that Council can deliver and influence the provision of quality, flexible and responsive community infrastructure to support a prosperous, liveable and sustainable City of Yarra.'

Our three goals of community infrastructure planning

  • Build and support a safe, healthy and cohesive community
  • Create a sustainable city with responsive and flexible community infrastructure
  • Embed a holistic approach in planning and delivery

Our Strategic Community Infrastructure Framework

Our Strategic Community Infrastructure Framework (SCIF) considers current and future community infrastructure needs and supports us and other community infrastructure providers to anticipate and respond to those needs.

The framework is made-up of the following components:

Component  Description Status 
Context Paper Sets out Yarra’s approach to community infrastructure planning; how community infrastructure planning integrates with existing Council policies and strategies; and the challenges and opportunities for planning and delivery.  Adopted 6 December 2016
Community Infrastructure Planning Policy Outlines Council’s vision and goals for community infrastructure planning; the Community Infrastructure Planning Principles and the ways Council will research, engage and advocate with stakeholders to plan and address current and future needs.  Adopted 6 December 2016
Community Infrastructure Plan Focuses on current and future community needs, how they may change over time and the potential ways to respond to those needs. See below for more information.

Adopted 24 April 2018. 

Monitoring and evaluation process  

Outlines how performance of the SCIF will be measured and progress tracked. Outcomes and output indicators are provided to measure and evaluate the performance of the SCIF. Satisfaction levels will be a key to determine if the SCIF is meeting the mark in terms of community needs. 

Adopted 6 December 2016.

Community Infrastructure Plan

The Community Infrastructure Plan is a key part of the Strategic Community Infrastructure Framework.

The Plan brings together information about Council services that involve community infrastructure alongside neighbourhood demographics, population forecasts and growth and change areas. 

The Plan focuses on community needs and the community infrastructure delivered by Council to meet those needs.  We have considered community needs common to all age groups and those relating to target populations. The Plan acknowledges the role and influence of non-Council infrastructure on the planning and delivery of Council community infrastructure. 

Strategic, high-level opportunities to respond to community needs are provided.

For more information, call Yarra City Council on 9205 5555 or email [email protected].