Food waste

Reducing food waste will save your household money and lessen your impact on the environment.

According to Sustainability Victoria, the average Victorian household throws away $2,136 of wasted food every year. This adds up to 250,000 tonnes of wasted food from households in Victoria, enough to fill Melbourne's Eureka Tower.

When food waste decomposes in landfill, it emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This contributes to climate change and affects our air quality and public health.

Audits of our trucks have shown that approximately 59% of food waste we send to landfill is avoidable. This means it was purchased with the intention of being eaten, but was instead thrown away.

The solution

The State Government has set targets for Councils to work towards as part of their plan for a circular economy. These targets include:

  • Diverting 80% of waste from landfill by 2030, with an interim target of 72% reduction by 2025.
  • Halving the volume of organic material going to landfill by 2030, with an interim target of 20% reduction by 2025.

We can all be part of the solution and make a positive difference, no matter the size or type of home that we live in.

  • Be food smart

    Learn some easy steps you can take to keep avoidable food waste out of landfill.

    Read more
  • Composting and worm farming

    Discover what composting and worm farming is, and which one is best for your household.

    Read more
  • Growing food at home

    We run workshops on topics such as: small space gardening, beekeeping, composting, keeping chickens and more!

    Read more
  • Community growing spaces

    Our community growing spaces program includes: temporary laneway gardens, planter boxes, productive fruit and nut trees.

    Read more

Yarra’s food waste challenge

Join our free 12-week email challenge to reduce avoidable food waste at home and save money.

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