All objection letters are provided to the permit applicant prior to the consultation meeting. Hard copies of all objections are also kept on the relevant planning file which is available at the meeting.
You do not therefore need to bring a copy of your objection letter or read directly from it. You just need to be able to talk to the issues and concerns that you have on the application and how it would impact you and be open to discussing possible modifications to the application that could alleviate your concerns.
Permit applicants
Make sure that you have obtained copies of the objection letters prior to the meeting so that you are informed of the objector issues prior to the meeting.
You can obtain copies by contacting the relevant planning officer or statutory planning business support, quoting the planning application reference number and the site address.
To be prepared for the meeting, we recommend:
- being able to talk to the plans and explain the submitted design response.
- bringing a large copy (to scale) of the plans for discussion purposes at the meeting.
- bringing people in your project team that can discuss possible modifications to the submitted application which could assist in alleviating objector concerns.
- bringing your client to the meeting so that they can get a better understanding of the issues and concerns raised in the objection letters.
All objection letters are provided to the permit applicant prior to the consultation meeting. Hard copies of all objections are also kept on the relevant planning file which is available at the meeting.
You do not therefore need to bring a copy of your objection letter or read directly from it. You just need to be able to talk to the issues and concerns that you have on the application and how it would impact you and be open to discussing possible modifications to the application that could alleviate your concerns.
Permit applicants
Make sure that you have obtained copies of the objection letters prior to the meeting so that you are informed of the objector issues prior to the meeting.
You can obtain copies by contacting the relevant planning officer or statutory planning business support, quoting the planning application reference number and the site address.
To be prepared for the meeting, we recommend:
- being able to talk to the plans and explain the submitted design response.
- bringing a large copy (to scale) of the plans for discussion purposes at the meeting.
- bringing people in your project team that can discuss possible modifications to the submitted application which could assist in alleviating objector concerns.
- bringing your client to the meeting so that they can get a better understanding of the issues and concerns raised in the objection letters.