In 2019, we adopted a Car Share Policy and Car Share Implementation Plan. The policy and plan provides detailed information about the procedures and responsibilities for implementing up to an additional 85 on-street car share bays and 46 off-street car share bays in Yarra over the next five years.
In Yarra, we seek to increase the use of car sharing while ensuring the expansion of the car share network within Yarra is well-governed and transparent.
How to apply
We will accept car share bay permit applications from qualifying providers twice a year. We are currently accepting applications at this time.
To apply, car share providers must complete a car share bay application form. All sections of the form must be completed and returned.
Before applying for a car share bay permit, car share providers must demonstrate compliance listed in Attachment 1 of the Car Share Policy 2019-2024.
Car share providers can refer to the policy and implementation plan for information about:
- siting and location criteria for car share bays
- application process
- car share provider qualification requirements
- consultation process
- permit and installation fees
- provision of disability access parking bays
- conversion of informal car share bays
- permit renewal process
- car share provider reporting requirements
Renew your car share bay permit
Every two years you are required to renew your permit. You can do this by complete the renewal application form.
More information
For more information please refer to the policy or call us on 03 9205 5555.