Yarra City Council is proposing new planning provisions for the Cremorne Precinct.
The proposed controls support new high-quality office and commercial developments but make sure they protect the amenity of the residential precincts within and adjoining Cremorne. The new provisions will help to ensure development enhances the quality and character of Cremorne's streets and public spaces. They also limit the amount of car parking in new developments to help reduce the number of vehicles moving through Cremorne.
The planning controls will be introduced through an amendment to the Yarra Planning Scheme known as Draft Amendment C318yara.
About the amendment
Cremorne is undergoing a period of rapid growth and change. To help manage this change and provide a plan for the future, Yarra City Council has developed a Urban Design Framework (UDF) for the area. Amongst other things, the revised UDF fills a gap in the Yarra Planning Scheme and includes design recommendations to guide the redevelopment of commercial land in Cremorne.
Council sought community feedback on the draft UDF in late 2022.
Council considered the feedback at a Council meeting on 12 September 2023. At the meeting, it also:
- endorsed a revised Cremorne Urban Design Framework (UDF) for further consultation
- resolved to request the Minister for Planning approve interim built form provisions via a Ministerial amendment (Amendment C317yara) and request consent to formally exhibit permanent planning provisions (Amendment C318yara).
(Council will consult on the revised UDF at the same time as the exhibition of the permanent controls.)
Draft Amendment C318yara proposes to:
- Introduce three new built form controls in the form of Design and Development Overlays (DDO) to manage the scale and design of new commercial development. The new DDOs would apply to the Cremorne West (DDO51), Railway (DDO52) and Church Street (DDO53) Precincts.
- Introduce the Parking Overlay to the commercial areas of Cremorne to promote more sustainable modes of transport by limiting the amount of car parking needed in new development.
- Insert a new policy under Clause 11.03 Planning for places: 11.03-6L Cremorne Precinct that supports Cremorne as a vibrant, diverse, accessible and high amenity enterprise precinct. This will include specific policy on land use, built form, access and movement, open space and the public realm.
- Introduce the background documents that informed the proposed planning controls at Schedule to Clause 72.08.
- Rezone two identified zoning anomalies in Cremorne, where two zones apply to a single site: 20-26 Brighton Street and 459-471 Church Street.
What is a design and development overlay?
A Design and Development Overlay (DDO) is a planning tool that is applied to areas to set built form and design requirements for new development. If you want to know more about how a DDO works, see the General Design and Development Overlay (DDO) Information Sheet. [ PDF, 1.18 MB]
What stage is the amendment at?
There are six stages in the draft amendment process.
The draft amendment is currently at the first stage of the process: Request consent to prepare and notify a draft amendment.
Council has written to the Minister for Planning requesting permission to place the amendment on public exhibition. Once the Minister for Planning has granted consent, the community will be notified and public exhibition will begin.
You can find more about the process on our Standing Advisory Committee webpage and the information sheet [ PDF, 295.23 KB] that explains more about why the Committee was set up and what the process includes.
Further information (Amendment documents to request consent)
For more information, please read the relevant documents sent to the Minister for consent to exhibit: