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Community pantry

Yarra has a community pantry available at Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library with basic items that are available during opening hours for anyone that needs them.

Community Pantry, Matt Krumins, 2022.

Yarra Libraries is committed to supporting members of our community experiencing food insecurity and cost-of-living pressures by providing access to nutritious meals in a welcoming environment that is free from stigma.

Community pantry

Our community pantry is available during opening hours at Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library, with basic non-perishable items available for anyone that needs them. 

Donations from the community are accepted, provided they are unopened, in their original packaging with full ingredient and allergen listing, and within their best before or use by date. In addition to food items, we also accept donations of tissues, toilet paper, hygiene products and household cleaning items.


Frozen meals provided by not-for-profit organisation Fareshare are also available from our freezer. Please speak to a staff member to enquire about current stock levels and dietary options. To ensure food safety and quality, we do not accept community donations for our freezer.

Learn more about Fareshare.

Community lunch

Yarra Libraries has also partnered with Open Table to provide a free vegan community lunch every week at Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library. With the help of volunteers, Open Table serves food that would otherwise have gone to waste. Produce is sourced from food rescue organisations and local businesses.

Join us in the Bagung Magali Community Room at 1pm every Saturday to connect with the community and help save tonnes of food from landfill. 

Learn more about Open Table.