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Accessible facilities and resources

Explore our accessibility services including designated accessible PC at each branch.

We offer a range of accessibility services at our libraries. This includes a designated accessible PC at each branch with a:

  • large-print multimedia keyboard
  • trackball mouse with scroll ring

Hearing loops are also available at each of our library information desks and can be arranged for library programs and events.

If you have any questions about our accessibility services, please contact us.

Changing Places toilet

The Changing Places initiative advocates for the inclusion of adult-sized change tables, ceiling hoists and peninsular toilets in Australian public toilets. This helps meet the needs of people with complex disabilities and their carers.

Changing Places toilets are suitable toilets for people who cannot use standard accessible toilets.

There is a Changing Places toilet at Bargoonga Nganjin, North Fitzroy Library. It includes:

  • a height-adjustable adult-sized changing bench
  • a constant-charging ceiling track hoist system
  • a centrally located peninsula toilet
  • an automatic door with a clear minimum opening of 950mm  
  • circulation spaces, fixtures and fittings, as defined in the design specifications.

Access to the Changing Places toilet is via a MLAK key, which can be ordered by visiting the Master Locksmiths Association of Australia website.  

For more information, visit the Changing Places website.

Reader Pen

The C-Pen Reader pen is a pocket-sized device that reads text in an English, Spanish or French human-like digital voice.

The device is ideal if you're learning English, Spanish or French, or if you suffer from reading difficulties such as dyslexia.

Simply pass the nib over a word and it will show its definition and read it aloud. It can also scan and capture lines of text for upload to a PC or Mac, which is great for finding essential information.

Reader Pens can be borrowed or used at the library.

Recommended resources

This free app uses the camera on your smartphone to read items in real-time. Developed by Microsoft and available on Android and IOS.

NVDA is a free advanced screen reader for Windows computers. It reads everything on the screen and helps you navigate webpages.

The Vision Australia Library opens up a world of information to people who are blind or have low vision, or a print disability. Membership is free and available to people with Australian residency.