Sign up to the Your Say Yarra email newsletter

Monday 17 October 2022

Multicoloured speech bubbles against a pink background with the text reading "Your Say Yarra"

Your Say Yarra is Yarra Council's dedicated online community engagement platform. You can contribute ideas, provide feedback and exchange views with others on key decisions and priorities for the Yarra community using the platform.

At Yarra, we’re committed to providing opportunities for the community to be involved in our planning and decision-making.

Last year over 5,000 community members contributed their ideas and priorities on a variety of projects including:

To make it easier for residents to contribute to Council decisions, we’ve started a monthly email newsletter.

This newsletter has information on current consultations, updates on how projects and engagements have progressed and information on what's to come.

Click here to read the September edition of the Your Say Yarra newsletter.

Sign up today so you never miss a chance to have your say.

Subscribe here


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