Planning for the future - our Council Plan 2017-2021

Thursday 03 August 2017

Yarra has adopted a new Council Plan, which sets our priorities and direction for the next four years.

The Plan outlines a range of strategies and initiatives that we will implement to achieve our vision for a Yarra that is a ‘vibrant, liveable and sustainable inner city that the community can be proud of’.

In a first for Yarra, it also incorporates our Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.

To ensure it reflects what’s important to our community, we sought your ideas and feedback in developing the Plan over two rounds of community consultation in late 2016 and early 2017.

Our Council Plan objectives:

  1. A healthy Yarra: Community health, safety and wellbeing are a focus in everything we do
  2. An inclusive Yarra: Inclusion, diversity and uniqueness are welcomed, respected and celebrated
  3. A sustainable Yarra: Council leads on sustainability and protects and enhances its natural environment
  4. A liveable Yarra: Development and growth are managed to maintain and enhance the character and heritage of the city
  5. A prosperous Yarra: Local businesses prosper and creative and knowledge industries thrive
  6. A connected Yarra: Connectivity and travel options are environmentally sustainable, integrated and well-designed
  7. A leading Yarra: Transparency, performance and community participation drive the way we operate


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