Borrow an energy efficiency kit and save energy with insulation, draughtproofing and more
Whether you're a homeowner or a renter, live in a house or an apartment, are a resident or business owner, saving energy is something we all can do to respond to the climate emergency – and save on our energy bills.
Borrow an energy efficiency kit
Energy efficiency kits are available to borrow from our libraries. The kits contain tools and information to help you learn about your home's energy efficiency, save energy, reduce emissions and save money.
In each kit you will find:
- A Power-Mate™ Lite Energy Monitor to measure how much electrical power is being used by an appliance
- An Energy Saving Thermometer to check if the temperature of your rooms, fridge and freezer are set to the most energy efficient ranges
- A Non-contact Thermometer measuring the temperature of an object or surface using an infrared sensor
- A Water Flow Measuring Cup to calculate flow rate and help save water
A Thermal Imaging Camera is also available to borrow separately. This easy to use tool helps identify areas where your home may be leaking heat.
Contact your nearest Yarra library to find out more and borrow an energy efficiency kit or thermal imaging camera.
Yarra Council subsidies
The Yarra Home Energy Upgrades pilot program provides subsidies up to $3,000 to eligible Yarra concession card holders, for a limited time. Subsidies can be used for energy upgrades such as insulation, draughtproofing, reverse cycle heating and cooling, and efficient electric hot water systems.
Residents who also receive support services for a health condition that puts them at risk from extreme temperatures may be eligible for up to $10,000 in energy upgrades through Yarra's Climate Safe Rooms pilot program, to upgrade a room in their home so it stays a comfortable temperature on hot and cold days.
Both these programs have limited places available.
Victorian government rebates
Your home may be eligible for a free PowerPal through the Victorian Government's Energy Upgrades scheme.
The PowerPal smart energy meter shows the energy you use in real time on your phone, so you can see what's using excess energy and reduce your use. Visit PowerPal for more information.
The Victorian Energy Compare website can help you find the cheapest electricity deal. Look for a 100% GreenPower plan to reduce your carbon emissions when you switch.
There are a wide range of energy concessions, rebates and other government financial support available, particularly for people living on low incomes. Download this factsheet [ PDF, 906.84 KB] to learn about the range of support available.
Save without spending
There are many things you can do to save energy that don't cost anything:
- Turn off appliances at the switch when you're not using them.
- Turn off lights and heaters when you're not using the room.
- Keep your thermostat set at 26 degrees or higher in summer and 18-20 degrees in winter. Every degree can add 10% to your heating costs in winter. Heating costs can make up as much as 30-40% of your energy bill
- Switch to LED light globes. You could save 80% on your lighting costs
- Wash clothes in cold water and hang them up to dry.
- Only run your washing machine and dishwasher when they're full.
- Set your fridge at 4-5 degrees, and your freezer at minus 15 to minus 18 degrees.
- If you have a second fridge or freezer, switch it off when you don’t need it.
- Use fans instead of air conditioning when practical.
- Use curtains or blinds to keep the indoor temperature comfortable.
- Close doors to avoid heating and cooling rooms that are not in use.
- Seal up any gaps around doors and windows, to keep the indoor temperature comfortable. Up to 25% of winter heat loss is due to draughts.
- Only boil the kettle with as much water as you need.
- Use a smaller appliance where possible, for example the microwave uses less energy than the oven.
Improve your home's energy efficiency
To save even more, consider improving your home's energy efficiency:
- Upgrade your appliances to a more energy efficient models. You may be eligible for a Solar Victoria rebate to upgrade to a heat pump or other efficient electric hot water system.
- Victorian Energy Upgrades program provides discounted energy saving products including lighting, heating, insulation, hot water and appliances. Households can save an average of $110 a year on energy bills by upgrading energy-guzzling appliances through this program.
- Insulate your ceiling. Ceiling insulation can save you up to 20% on heating and cooling costs.
- For even better thermal comfort, insulate your walls and floors as well. Fully insulating your home can reduce your heating and cooling costs by 50%
- Improve your window treatments. Windows can be a source of significant heat loss during winter. If you are replacing your windows, consider double glazing. There are also less expensive glazing films available that can be installed and removed easily, and can be as effective in reducing winter heat loss as double glazing.
- Close-fitting curtains or blinds, combined with pelmets covering the top of the window, can help reduce winter heat loss.
- External awnings or blinds significantly reduce heat gain during summer.
- Choose energy efficient appliances when you need to replace old appliances.
You can find more information on saving energy through the Victorian Energy Saver website or Sustainability Victoria.
Visit Green it Yourself for tutorials and information on simple DIY ways to improve energy efficiency and save energy around your home.