Demographic and economic profiles

What is the community profile of Yarra?

The Census of Population and Housing (Census) is undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). On the second Tuesday of August every 5 years, the Census collects a range of demographic, social and economic information from all people and dwellings in Australia. The most recent Census was 9 August 2016.

Our Community Profile is an interactive, user-friendly website that provides demographic analysis for the City of Yarra and its suburbs based on results from Censuses dating back to 1991. Data is communicated through charts, tables and helpful commentary, all of which you can easily download or share via social media.

The Community Profile helps you to understand:

  • the population and household characteristics of Yarra,
  • how the population and household characteristics are changing, and
  • how Yarra and its neighbourhoods compare to other areas local governments, Greater Melbourne and Victoria.

Also available via the internet are our Social Atlas, which has over 90 thematic maps of the local demographics, and the Population Forecasts which explain what is driving population change and forecasts the population, age structure and household types each year between 2016 and 2041.

The Community Profile, Social Atlas and Population Forecasts are administered by .id the population experts, on behalf of the City of Yarra. 

What is the economic profile of Yarra?

The Economic Profile is another easy-to-use website where you can view an interactive profile of the Yarra economy. This site an overview of workforce characteristics, industry contributions, the role of tourism and trends in the local economy.

Data is displayed through graphs, tables and interactive maps accompanied by accessible explanations and commentary. All maps, graphs, charts and text can be easily shared via social media and e-mail or exported as images, spreadsheets and PDFs.

The Economic Profile is administered by Remplan, on behalf of the City of Yarra.

For more information on Demographic and Economic profiles call Yarra City Council on 9205 5555 or email [email protected].