About the Planning Decisions Committee

Planning decisions that require a decision of Council are generally considered by the Planning Decisions Committee (formerly the Internal Development Approvals Committee), rather than the whole Council.

What happens at Planning Decisions Committee meetings?

More information about how the meeting operates and what you can expect is available on the Planning Decisions Committee page.

How do I know what the Committee will be considering at the meeting?

As soon as it is available, agenda for the Planning Decisions Committee (which includes full reports, and a series of separate attachments) will be published on our website. This usually happens by 5.00pm on the Friday before the meeting, although it usually happens earlier in the week. You can find the agendas from our upcoming meetings page.

How do I find out what happened at the meeting?

Once the meeting is complete, the IDAC Meeting Minutes (which are the official record of the meeting) are published on our past meetings page. These documents are usually made available within a week of the meeting.